Thursday, August 28, 2008

Green Chile Season!

I know I've been terrible this summer about blogging. But don't think that means I haven't been in the kitchen - it just means I've been too busy to actually post about it. I do actually have several recipes that I've photographed (badly, of course) and just haven't had time to write them out. So I promise to catch up with that soon.

In the meantime, August has become a favorite time of year for me in Texas. I know that sounds crazy since August in Texas means hella hot but it also means green chile shipments come in from Hatch, NM to Central Market. And for several glorious weeks I can walk through my favorite grocery store and see all these Texans enjoying my favorite New Mexican food.

It also means that I have to stock up my freezer with all the green chile I can fit in there since this is the only time in the year that I can get the non-canned stuff. That's one thing I do miss about NM (besides my friends...and...the mountains...and...the cool thunderstorms...and...and...) - you can buy green chile in the freezer section any time of year and it doesn't taste like crap (like the canned stuff does that they have here in Texas).

So last weekend I dragged Chris to CM Westgate to get our green chile during the Hatch Chile Festival. I remember when I used to do PR for CM and I would call the stuff "green chile" and my boss would correct me and say "No, Katy, It's HATCH green chile." To this former New Mexican - green chile is green chile. .Whether it comes from Hatch or Deming or wherever! But to CM it is a brand I guess.

Anyway, Chris only let me buy 3 bags but that's because I have some left over from my trip to Albuquerque in June. I hope this amount lasts me until next August - or Joni's going to have to mail me some more. :) He also let me buy some green chile cornbread that was AWESOME - might have to come up with a recipe for that. Wish I could have gotten the green chile brownies though - those are always a favorite of mine (made with Austin Slow Burn's green chile jam - yum!).

So, I look forward to sharing some of my favorite green chile recipes with you soon!